Using Intuition to Manifest What You Want

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My niece, Heather Nelson, provides liberty training, which is an intuitive method of working with horses. She suggested that I look for a job, so that I could make some extra money. I told her that every time I had intuitively looked at getting a job, that the answer had been no. When I got off the phone, I asked myself intuitively whether it was a good idea for me to get a job and this time the energy was different. …

Noticing Intuitive Messages

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I have a special pair of active reading eyeglasses. The top portion of the lenses is for reading the computer and the bottom portion is for reading books. I rarely take these eyeglasses out of my home because they are so valuable to me, but I was scheduled for a tutorial and had placed the eyeglasses in my purse. There wasn’t enough room for them in my small handbag, so the zipper was open. I was at the Staples checkout. …

Making Your Intuition Work For You

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I have always been intuitive, but I haven’t always listened to my intuition. Even now, I get myself into trouble when I ignore intuitive messages. One thing, I have discovered, though, is that when you listen to your intuition, it becomes easier to achieve your dreams. At a point when I thought I was almost finished writing Make It Happen! the mother of my husband at the time visited me from the other side. I received an intuitive message that …