Making Your Intuition Work For You

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intuitive owl
I have always been intuitive, but I haven’t always listened to my intuition. Even now, I get myself into trouble when I ignore intuitive messages.

One thing, I have discovered, though, is that when you listen to your intuition, it becomes easier to achieve your dreams.

At a point when I thought I was almost finished writing Make It Happen! the mother of my husband at the time visited me from the other side. I received an intuitive message that I should write about my intuitive abilities. I was reluctant to reveal that I was intuitive.

I had been reading Feathers Brush My Heart by Sinclair Browning and left it lying on the couch. When I picked it up, I read only one paragraph. It was about the importance of sharing your personal story despite risk of criticism by others. It was clear to me that I had to stick my neck out.

I have since embraced my intuitive abilities, which has made a profound difference in my life. I discovered my passion and I am helping others to discover theirs.

We are born with all of the gifts and talents we need to achieve whatever we want. This involves tapping into our strengths and developing our intuition to enable us to experience life to the fullest. When we step outside of our head and into our heart, we can listen to our inner voice. Our intuition will provide an abundance of ideas, direction and hope.

Our intuitive self is familiar with our life’s purpose. Nobody knows us better than our intuitive self. It won’t lead us astray. It knows what we need and want.

It’s time to pursue our passion. It will require a great deal of faith. The end result is that we will achieve our dreams and live a life that is personally meaningful.

Messages Channeled For You:

When you live intuitively, things happen more naturally.
Saint Margaret

Intuition isn’t something that comes and goes. It’s there whenever you need it.
Saint Catherine

We think we’re intuitive, but then we make decisions with our heads instead of our hearts.
Mother Mary

Nurture your intuition like you would a flower, so it will blossom and grow.
Shabbihmahhah (my African Master Guide)

Comments 3

  1. Post
  2. How true! I find my paint brush flows a lot smoother when I listen to my intuition. I can be more creative and relaxed when the dyes hit the silk when I’m not fighting the intuitive information coming to me.

    1. Post

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