Using Intuition to Manifest What You Want

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Rhododendron from Linda Pynaker's GardenMy niece, Heather Nelson, provides liberty training, which is an intuitive method of working with horses. She suggested that I look for a job, so that I could make some extra money. I told her that every time I had intuitively looked at getting a job, that the answer had been no. When I got off the phone, I asked myself intuitively whether it was a good idea for me to get a job and this time the energy was different. The answer was yes. (See the free Develop Your Intuition for Decision-Making Video if you would like to try my exercise for using your intuition for decision-making.)

I called my niece back. She intuitively received a message that the job might involve helping somebody with gardening or organizing. I intuitively could tell the person was a woman with challenges related to her health. I saw a vision of myself talking with a woman about the job. I would be given a job that day.

I felt drawn to go to the local Thrifty’s and thought this might lead to me getting a job. I felt more confident about this when I discovered that most of the items on my list were not on sale and decided to buy them another day. I picked up some strawberries and soybeans before heading to the checkout. One of the checkouts seemed lit up, which is the term I use when I am intuitively drawn to something.

The cashier rang in the strawberries and I put them in my cart. She pointed to the shopping bag in my cart and asked, “Do you want me to use the bag?”

I was feeling distracted as I had been trying to determine intuitively whether she was the woman I saw myself talking to about the job. I laughed as I handed her the bag.

She said, “You’re thinking about something else.”

I hesitated before saying, “I was thinking about the intuitive message I received this morning about me getting a job helping a woman with gardening and organizing and whatever.”

She immediately said, “Hold on, I know someone. We’ll talk.” She finished ringing in the groceries before asking me, “Do you mow lawns?”


She wrote a name and phone number on a slip of paper, and said, “Tell her I referred you.”

I called the woman and she told me she had some health difficulties, so she needed some help with gardening. She invited me to come to her home that day. Within minutes of meeting her she was talking about how much fun she was having dating. I knew intuitively that I was connected with her because it was time for me to start dating.

The following day, I mowed the lawn for her, but I found it almost impossible to push the mower. This job was meant for a man or a younger woman! I’m not doing the gardening job anymore, but I joined an online dating service. This fits well with my efforts to manifest more social opportunities. Stay posted for future adventures!

Messages Channeled For You:

We sing and dance when we listen to music, but when we listen to our intuition, our lives sing and dance.
Saint Angelina

When we quietly stroll through life, we may hear the beat of a distant drummer – our intuition. This leads us to discover everything life has to offer.

We strive for happiness when all we have to do is listen to our intuition.
Saint Paul

In the song and dance of life, nothing is as simple as listening to our intuition. It tells us where to go, what to do and how to make things happen.
Shabbihmahhah, My African Master Guide

I would love to hear your stories and comments about how you have used your intuition to manifest what you want. 

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