What Is Your Intuition Lighting Up For You?

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Swan Floating on WaterYour intuition makes things “light up” for you, when you are meant to notice them. You may feel drawn to talk to somebody, visit a place, follow a course of action or read a book. When you follow through, you usually discover there was a worthwhile reason. If you are making a choice between two or more things, one may attract you more than the other. Provided you are grounded, choosing this option, will enable you to make the best choice. The purpose of your intuition is to help you to live your best life. The more you pay attention, the more you will benefit. Photo credit: Elena Penkova via Foter.com / CC BY-NC

Messages Channeled For You:

There is no need to live in the dark, if you trust your intuition.
Archangel Raphael

Intuition is the mainstay of our lives. It illuminates our path and shows us what is best.
Archangel Gabriel

We can conquer almost anything, if we use our intuition.
Archangel Ariel

Without intuition, we would be lost.
Shabbihmahhah (my African Master Guide)

I hope you let your intuition light the way for you.



I would love to read your stories about how you have benefited from paying attention to what has “lit up” for you. Your comments will be posted after my beady little eyes review them. Thanks!

Become More Intuitive Like A Dolphin

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Become More Intuitive Like A DolphinIf you want to develop your intuition, the best method is through repetition. Dolphin training is a great example. They are taught a small exercise and this is repeated several times until it is learned. Once they have a good grasp of what is required, they are taught a new exercise. You may develop your intuition in the same way. Start with something simple. For example, you may use your intuition to determine unimportant information. Do this often, until you become more confident and then experiment with more important information. Photo credit: The Brit_2 via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

Messages Channeled For You:

Intuition is the spice of life – it helps you to find your way.
Archangel Uriel

What is the worst that can happen, if you experiment with developing your intuition?
Archangel Raphael

Intuition is the “piece de resistance.” Without it, we would float aimlessly, with little direction.
Archangel Chamuel

Intuition is what you use when you trust your higher self to find answers.
Shabbihmahhah (my African Master Guide)

I hope you choose to use your intuition to guide you.



I would love to read your success story about how you use your intuition to guide you. Your comments will be posted after my beady little eyes review them. Thanks!

Let 2016 Inspire You to Manifest What Your Heart Desires

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Let 2016 Inspire You to Manifest What Your Heart Desires 255x172A desire for abundance is normal human behavior. Abundance may represent wealth with respect to material possessions, but it also includes such things as loving relationships, beauty in your surroundings, or peace and contentment. This will help you to feel a sense of calm with the world. You are manifesting things, often without even realizing it. Every thought and feeling you experience influences what you manifest, as this energy is sent out into the universe to be manifested and returned to you.

The above paragraph is an excerpt from by book, Make It Happen! Use Your Intuition and Positive Spirals. Pdf version available for $1.99: Paperback available for 14.95. photo credit: Just another Lapland Longspur via photopin (license)

Messages Channeled For You:

Your intuition is the compass that will lead you to manifest your dreams.
Archangel Gabriel

Manifestation is a given, if you have faith in the universe.
Archangel Raphael

A little bit of this…a little bit of that can become a whole lot of this…and a whole lot of that, if you believe.
Archangel Uriel

Manifesting is what you do when you are grateful and believe you are worthy.
Shabbihmahhah (my African Master Guide)

May 2016 bring you all your hopes and dreams.



I would love to read your stories about how you have benefited from paying attention to what has “lit up” for you. Your comments will be posted after my beady little eyes review them. Thanks!

New Beginnings and Soul Connection

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Happy Holidays
As the New Year comes upon you, what do you need to do to enable your soul to feel more fulfilled in the upcoming year? What hopes and dreams do you have? What is your next step? If you are uncertain, let your intuition guide you. Your soul knows what would make you thrive. Take the time to check in on your soul to discover what you need.

Messages Channeled For You:

If you sacrifice your needs during the dance of life, you are ignoring your intuition.
Archangel Raphael Read More

Intuitive Self-Confidence

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Intuitive Self-ConfidenceBeing intuitive requires that you have confidence in your intuitive ability. Self-doubt will lead you to talk yourself out of believing the intuitive messages you receive. It may lead you to flounder instead of boldly stepping into life. When you waiver, you miss out on opportunities. You have been using your intuition for many life times. It is a talent that is available to you. All you need to do is believe in yourself and trust.

Messages Channeled For You:

Missteps are common when you don’t trust your intuition.
Archangel Uriel Read More

Using Your Intuition to its Full Capacity

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Using Your Intuition to its Full CapacityEach of us is guided by our soul. We make decisions based on our intuition, whether we are aware of our inner voice or oblivious to the guidance provided. If you struggle with being grounded, you will struggle with receiving accurate messages. Being grounded is the only protection we have to ensure that our ego and emotions do not interfere with our intuition. You may stay grounded by breathing deeply and pulling your spirit and energy fully into your body, so that you can feel your feet firmly on the floor or feel yourself sitting fully in the seat of your chair. Being grounded will help you to feel safe in the knowledge that your intuition is operating to its full capacity.

Messages Channeled For You:

Flying by the seat of your pants means your intuition is not engaged.
Archangel Raphael Read More

Smooth Sailing

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When I booked my flight to visit my son and his family in Calgary, I accidentally booked the return flight for 10:45 p.m. I thought it read 10:45 a.m. My son advised me of the error when I tried to check in the day before the flight. There was no way I expected my sister to drive that late at night to pick me up as we live an hour from the airport.

I contacted the airline and was informed that it would cost $189 to change my flight, but that if I was interested in hanging out at the airport, I might be able to get an earlier flight on standby and the fee would only be $75. There were four flights available that day, but I made sure I was at the airport on time for the 1:00 p.m. flight.

I asked my spirit guides to make sure that I got a helpful agent at the ticket desk. Instead of going on standby, she checked me into the 1:00 flight and told me that she would not charge me a fee for the flight change. Having faith in the universe means less stress and it is amazing how much simpler life becomes.

I could have ensured an early flight by booking the flight and paying the $189 fee. Traveling by the seat of my pants seemed like the right thing to do. I am trying to have more faith and it turned out far better than I could have imagined.

Having faith in the universe opens up possibilities. Letting yourself go with the flow may result in smooth sailing.

Messages Channeled For You:

Scheduling everything in life interferes with the natural forces of nature.
Archangel Ariel Read More

Life Is A Mystery

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Life Is A Mystery
The following is a story someone sent to me for my book Make It Happen! Use Your Intuition and Positive Spirals. It shows how things appear in our lives without any planning on our part.

Lost and Found

For a couple of months, I had been searching for a building in which to start a Healing Touch Centre. One day, I was driving into Qualicum for a Naturopath appointment and I was supposed to drive straight, but for some reason I turned right.

When I realized my error, I thought, Oh well, I’ll just turn left at the next street and that will get me back to where I was going. But, I didn’t turn left at the next street. I drove two blocks until I came to a four-way stop and once again realized I had made a mistake. I was driving away from where I was supposed to go.

It was a beautiful day, so I decided to park the car and walk instead of driving around spaced out. I thought the walking would help to ground me. I parked the car and instead of walking to my Naturopath, I walked in the opposite direction. I ended up at a shopping complex called Chilham Village. There is a lovely courtyard there and I decided to sit down to try to figure out what was going on with me. After I sat down, I looked up and noticed a For Rent sign on the building in front of me. This is the space I ended up purchasing. We named it the Qualicum Wellness Centre.

I was concerned about approaching a bank for a mortgage, as it was doubtful a bank would lend me money. I had not been in the work force for 26 years, I had no clientele for my business and the purpose of the business is Healing Touch which is an alternative treatment a lot of people have not even heard of yet. I was fretting about this over the weekend, but on Sunday evening, the gentleman who owned the building called me on the telephone. He told me that if we could agree on a price for the space, he would carry the mortgage. We hadn’t even met and had only talked on the phone once.

Talk about synchronicity! I am really excited about the prospect of helping others and can hardly wait to get this business started.

Sometimes, all you need to do is sit back and let life unfold.

Messages Channeled For You:

If everything in life was planned, life would be boring.
Saint Josephine Read More

Improve Your Relationships

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Improve Your RelationshipsI often use telepathic communication to improve my relationships. This has made a positive difference in my life and I often recommend it to others to help improve their relationships.

One of my clients, Susan, was experiencing difficulty in her relationship with her daughter, Teresa. When Susan sent her an email asking whether they could visit for a weekend, Teresa wrote that she didn’t know why her mother wanted to visit when her mother didn’t like her. Susan was hurt and decided to let things cool down for a few weeks.

I suggested she use telepathy to communicate with Teresa’s higher self. I recommended she tell her that she loves her and their relationship is important to her. I also recommended that she let her know what she appreciates most about her, what she would like their relationship to be like and what she would do to help to improve it.

Susan did what was suggested, sent her daughter an email and Teresa responded right away. Susan and her husband shared a weekend visit with Teresa and her family. They are careful about what they say to each other and things are going well.

The following exercise may be used to improve relationships with family, friends, partners or colleagues: Read More

Let Your Intuition Guide You

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Let Your Intuition Guide You
If you’re holding yourself back from expressing yourself, it may be time to challenge your beliefs. What beliefs do you have that may be stopping you from living life to the fullest? Do your expectations enable you to meet your dreams? If not, it may be time to raise them. The only limits in life are the ones you set for yourself. Trust yourself and the universe to let your intuition guide you toward a more fulfilling life.

Messages Channeled For You:

We all have intuition, when we use it.
Archangel Raphael Read More